BSIC Sudan closed a workshop organised as part of the bank development.

A workshop was held on Saturday 03 June 2021, in the meeting room of BSIC Sudan, under the title (Accounts opening requirements, due diligence and suspicion of money laundering), presented by Mrs. Anaam Abdel Mounim Bari, a banking expert in the field of bank commitments.
It should be recalled that this workshop was prepared by Mrs. Amina, Dr. Walid Moutassim and Mr. Ibrahim Oumar, with the participation of representatives of all the bank branches in Sudan.
At the end of the workshop, certificates were rewarded to the participants, to the organisers and to all those who contributed for the success of the workshop.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the organisation of this workshop is part of the Bank's plan to strengthen the capacity of its staff, in particular the youth.

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